Keio University School of Medicine

Suntory Global Innovation Center

Water is inseparable from human health. By deepening our understanding of the water that goes in the body,
the water that comes out of the body, and the water that is in the body,
we are hoping to discover the secrets to living a healthier life. That is the Water Channeling Life project.

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Why are Suntory and Keio working on this research together?

Theme 4

Finding out how much water is needed for the human body each day

Theme 4

Fluid intake amount of the Japanese people

Theme 1

Manipulation of intracellular water and lipids

Theme 1

Cell biology of aquaporins


Theme 3

Visualizing dynamics of water in cells

Theme 3

Measuring of water flows in the human body and their simulation

Theme 2

Examining water via light

Theme 2



How will understanding about water help our bodies?